Become a Minister

If you want to get ordained and become a minister through the Universal Life Church, you can look through the essays and other information here and see what other people are getting excited about.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Master of Chaplaincy Program Chaplaincy
Chaplaincy Program Essay:
A Journey
A Mission
A sacred Covenant
Submitted by Rev. Tommy Bowers

Throughout our lives, most of us are nurtured in countless ways. Physically, we care for ourselves through nutrition and exercise. Mentally, we have psychiatrists who prescribe medications for various mental illnesses. However, the spiritual nature of mankind is tragically neglected by most institutions. It is a subject that has become so convoluted and intertwined with the negativity of religion that people dare not touch it.

I have learned in the course, however, that true spirituality does not necessarily require a specific belief system. Expressing spirituality can range from holding an elderly person’s hand in death, reassuring a child that all will be well just before a surgery, or being the bearer of the sad news to the family of a suddenly deceased loved one. Thus, I have discovered my countless, God-given gifts that could be cultivated and used productively as a chaplain.

The course has taught me the vast nature of opportunities for a chaplain. I always thought that chaplains were found in churches and that their jobs were limited to hospitals and funeral homes. I have unveiled a new level of knowledge through this course. A chaplaincy can be a paying job, can involve organizations and institutions ranging from counseling, if qualified, to working for a police force. Also, a chaplain can bring comfort through their sincerity and silence while in the presence of grieving individuals and families. Furthermore, I have discovered that a chaplain can bring their credentials to the table when pursuing other occupations such as marriage counseling. The possibilities are endless.

One of my greatest God-given assets that will serve my duties of chaplaincy well is my strong sensitivity to others. I can often be around a person and sense that they are struggling. Also, numerous friends and colleagues frequent me for comfort and reassurance during a personal crisis. Often, such needs are met by my being a good listener, which I’ve learned from this course is a valuable asset in itself. To pick up on other’s sensitivities avails me the opportunity for personal reflection and a greater understanding of myself which, in turn, gives me resources to offer another person. To look people directly in the eyes and hear their pain is a trait in which the chaplain need say nothing at times, as people are able to sense when they are being heard and cared about.

Furthermore, attaining my chaplaincy gives meaning to my ordination. Without a spiritual commitment, I believe that a title is simply just that. I’ve often wondered which comes first, the spirituality or the commitment to spirituality. When I became ordained, I felt blessed but confused. I wasn’t aware of what it meant to have such a spiritual title. I skimmed through the pages of the university, trying to find my way. When I found the section on chaplaincy, I sensed that I had come home.

Deciding to take this journey into chaplaincy filled me with a sense of spiritual commitment, safety, and joy. At that point, my ordination at last had heartfelt meaning to me. At long last, I found a path leading me to a place where I could help others through God’s gift of compassion offered through me. In doing so, I have learned from this course the importance in one’s continuity of spiritual practice and growth. Although a chaplaincy does not have to be based on a particular religion, spirituality is the driving force and must be nurtured.

In other cases, religion is an important factor, such as working with a church. On a personal note, I want my chaplaincy to be an all-encompassing, loving spiritual quest in which all things good are honored and respected: One’s beliefs, or lack of, do not minimize their value and thus, all people are entitled to the same love and care given by a chaplain.

On the other hand, the job of a chaplain is not necessarily one of greeting and hugs from the people in need. It is likely not uncommon for the chaplain to take the brunt of an emotional situation, such as a violent death, through the words of the grieving. That is, the chaplain may be in a position to be the receiver of harsh expressions of grief, and must be able to handle such. Although no one has to tolerate verbal abuse, I believe that a chaplain should renounce the situation, perhaps by using the prayer of St. Francis in setting self aside, bringing understanding, light, and stillness.

In such cases, I have learned that a chaplain is better off saying nothing than saying too much. Some situations arise in which no words can bring console. Thus, the chaplain must know that sometimes fewer words are better. Perhaps a brief, general but sincere sentiment such as “I will pray for you,” or “I am sorry about your loss. Please call me anytime, day or night, if I can help you in any way. Perhaps give them a business card and offer to pray with them.

If a chaplain is hired to fulfill a duty within public service, such as the police force, much prudence should be used, as their presence is to help in extenuating circumstances, ranging from crime scenes, accident scenes, and working with police officers in dealing with some of the harsh emotions that are affiliated with their jobs. As this course teaches, police officers are a tight-nit group indeed. It is difficult to break the circular bond that exists among them. The chaplain should respect the parameters but should reassure each officer, collectively or individually, that he or she is available to all officers to assist them in any way possible.

At last, my duty as a chaplain will be in a potential (not frequently) controversial area: That is the niche of paranormal investigations. Having been a member of such an organization for over a year, I have seen a great need arise among investigators. Spiritual advisors and prayers for safety and protection are all too often thrown aside, simply because the availability of such a person is nebulous. Also, many homes need blessing and deliverance prayers with a possible clergyman, or through the guidance of such.

Depending upon the type of case, the [ chaplain] is likely to have the authority to perform the house blessing and prayer without another clergy member present. Such a case would be a cleansing ritual to reinforce the purity of the home. The course has emphasized. However, a few paranormal cases would need the absolute assistant of a more experienced clergy person (in the case of demonic hauntings, assuming that such is within the chaplain’s belief system). This decision is usually made by the team leader of such groups. The best and safest rule is that the chaplain consult a higher clergyman before conducting any rituals whatsoever. The main duty of the chaplain is to oversee the spirituality of the team and to assure their safety.

Most importantly, the families that have been plagued by paranormal happenings have much tumult and chaos among them. The chaplains duty is by far greater after an investigation than during. All too often, investigators make their appearance, collect their data, take photos videos, tell the family of the findings, and leave with no explanation on follow-up or specific instructions on who to call on for spiritual guidance. In such cases, I believe that the chaplain should follow up with the families on a regular basis, offer appropriate spiritual help within the family, such as prayer and counseling (if the chaplain is trained to do so).

Some examples of appropriate actions would be to participate in guiding the family in prayer, inquiring about any further happenings, and immediately contact the group should that be the case. I realize that this area is not emphasized directly in the course, but it is a deprived need that I have noticed and have attempted to remedy with much success. Ephesians contains information about what would be considered paranormal, and could be used as a reference, in some cases, for the family.

Furthermore, spiritual warfare is extremely important and highly underemphasized whenever a team of investigators enter a dwelling. First of all, I believe that I have a spiritual obligation to my team of investigators. Having much training in this area, I emphasize the right and wrongs involved in investigating. As a chaplain, I must drive home the fact that we are not attempting to play with, challenge, or replace our faith through the paranormal. Biblically, these presences are validated, but one must also be very cautious in how far they stretch these endorsements. Also, as a ministry, I could assist my group in techniques that I am already familiar with such as various methods of meditation and pointers for prayer.

A fine line exists in which a vulnerable person could become overly obsessed, too weak from illness or mental problems to participate. I have learned the importance of the duty of having a discerning eye and a protective heart over my team. Also, the crucial nature of “armoring up” spiritually can be taught to help my members in their safety. As the [ ULC] course emphasizes, my spirituality as a chaplain is of utmost importance as I must have it in order to give it. Also, the importance of developing a sacred place for spiritual growth, although I will not necessarily have a ministry, is vital for my team and anyone who else who wants to participate for the aforementioned reasons.

My wishes are to assist my team members, as well as any others who express a need, to discover their relationship with God. I’ve discovered through the teachings of this course that my understanding of God is vast (not narrow and exclusive) and that He is available to all of us in a way that we can understand. I’ve found this through reading the various scenarios presented in the midst of the lessons and asked myself in each case, “What, exactly, am I referring these people to when I give them the needed reassurance? Who am I referring to when I speak of the Almighty?” It was then that I discovered that my understanding of a loving God stemmed from an essential belief system which allows me to relate to Him.

This course, I believe, is not an ending but a catalyst in a whole new beginning. A title alone is simply that. The course clarifies the vague ideas that many have of a chaplaincy. It can be difficult, complex, demoralizing perhaps, and frustrating. Yet, the Almighty has called on a measure of his children to take on the humble duty of serving others in this special way where words, or lack of, may count in tough situations. The course has deemed itself beyond invaluable in explaining detailed scenarios that a chaplain might be faced with. Although I admit, I slacked on a few of the lessons, I’ve learned that we are here to commence, not to be perfect.

My beliefs are strongly centered around the idea that only two forces are at play in our consciousness, and every thought, action, idea or attitude is based on one of these traits: That is love and fear. Being on a loving path, I view the course as a stepping stone to a higher level of love and service. I would recommend that anyone who is truly dedicated to loving thoughts, actions, beliefs, and thanksgiving pursue this course as a means of learning the specifics and logistics of a chaplaincy. In fact, I am going to strongly recommend that two of my valuable team members pursue this course for their own growth and gift-giving abilities.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The 5 Transformations of Religion Throughout Recorded History

This article discusses the value and definition of myths within the Christian religion and the role that women play in the stories of our beginnings. It is part of one course on Mystical Christianity.

The Beginning: Tales Of Our Origin and Creation

Since the dawn of time, cultures have told tales about their origins and of their Gods. The Jewish peoples had been the same, entrusting to us the work of these ancient storytellers memorialized within the very first parts of the testament referred to as the Torah, which Christians refer to as the Bible (Old Testament). The creation stories from the Old Testament (also referred to as the Torah), as a result of misinterpretation and misogyny, have been utilized to dis-empower or downgrade half the human people - not their original intent! The apple from the Garden of Eden has had a unpleasant effect on all of humanity, both men and women, and we can’t start to bridge the gap between the genders and speak of true partnership until we heal the damage caused by the two-headed serpent of fear and blame. It's time.

A Challenging Situation

As it pertains to how to interpret the Bible, women particularly have determined the situation to be difficult, and challenging at best. There seems to be no middle ground - it‘s either read as literal in all ways or is dismissed as merely a way to keep women down. It is essential that we find the middle ground, one that allows us to take from the Bible the intended messages of love and forgiveness, however leaves out the blame and fear that has been mistakenly woven into it. It is time to take a “time-out”; a deep breath, and a more reasoned approach to these sacred texts.

For yes, they're sacred; sacred mythology of a long ago time that continues to speak to us now. Joseph Campbell has taught us that, far from being lies, myths are consummate truths told in metaphorical language. They take us past the literal and into the arena of soul. Myths are stories of the quest by men and women throughout the ages for meaning and significance; seeking to touch the eternal, and to understand the mysterious; to fully grasp who we genuinely are. Myths provide four separate functions. The expert on myths, Joseph Campbell, felt that myths should be considered sacred and filled four core needs in our societies: Metaphysical, Cosmological, Sociological and Psychological.

Campbell stressed that words cannot fully describe the mysteries of existence. Myths are "being statements" and the fullness of this mystery can be experienced only as a result of participating in mythic rituals, many of which are recognized in the Bible. Myths also provide responses to questions not as yet understood by the society in that stage of development. Mythology confirmed the existing social order and enforces it by weaving it as part of the stories themselves, often describing the way the order was shown to them through divine intervention, as evident throughout the tales within the Bible.

Lastly, myths often help people ease through the stages of their life. For example, most ancient cultures used rites of passage when a youth passed thorugh to adult stage. For instance, there are rites for children to move into adulthood, as well as for adults passing into old age, then finally for how to move on to the place that is beyond this mortal coil. Myths, when used as planned, will be able to help individuals to embrace each stage of our lives and move forward with greater ease.

The author, Cullen Murphy, describes 4 separate changes within our culture, related to the Holy Scripture, with a fifth one now developing. The 1st dramatic revolution happened as a result of the Book of Moses, which introduced the concept of there being merely a single God. The Israelites became known by these twin concepts: they were the people of “the Book” who believed in a single God. That set them apart from their neighbors.

When Christianity was born and a new book emerged, known as the New Testament, the second revolution exploded into existence. Fifteen hundred years later we have seen a similar shift within Christianity, this time exalting the authority and importance of Scripture along with the creating of the opportunity for the Bible to be read by the general public, in the vernacular instead of having it read to them by a priest. The fourth dramatic change unfolded as the advances of science and reason challenge the accuracy of the words and stories of the Bible. In modern times, we are in the middle of the 5th change. Women are becoming integral parts of the academic circles and have been developing new insights based on the feminine perspective. with the expectation, to employ a biblical turn, that the present way’s days are numbered.” Murphy makes additional reference to the Book of Daniel, which may be read as being a prophecy for women, relating to the bible. “On a host of matters involving women and the Bible, the writing on the wall is there to be read. And more and more of it shows itself with every passing day.”

This is a small part of one lesson on Mystical Christianity, by Mother Maryesah Karelon, offered through the ULC Seminary.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Online Ordination

People generally become ordained for three reasons:

To perform the legal function of officiating at someone's wedding,
To further their own spiritual or religious goals or,
As a lark.

ULC - Universal Life ChurchOnline Ordination.

It is our hope that you will take your ordination seriously, as it is a serious rite.

There is much talk about the term 'Instant Online Ordination.' Technically, your ordination is not happening online. The internet is merely a conduit for your application for ordination through the Universal Life Church. When you complete this form, your request for ordination is sent to headquarters in Modesto, CA to be processed and recorded by hand. It is at this time that you will officially become a minister. Congratulations and welcome!

• If you ordain someone else, get that person's express permission first.
• Please check for correct spelling and capitalization and that the email address is correct.

Upon becoming a new minister, you will begin to receive our free monthly newsletter, containing useful ministerial information, monthly specials, and a free ceremony sample. You will also be sent special announcements, breaking news about the ULC and much more.

Within 5-10 minutes after your ordination, you will receive an email message. It's usually immediate and it will be the same message that pops up in the window. Please save this email, in the event that your request for ordination through the Universal Life Church is lost in cyberspace. If you order a credential immediately following your ordination, you will need that email and/or the pop-up email, to verify your ordination with headquarters. Since all of the ordinations are recorded by hand, this may take some time.

Your ordination is for life. You are still ordained whether you have moved, married or lost your credential. If any of these are the case, contact to update your information and to find out how to get a new credential.

Self Assurance from the ULC

One thing that divides the achievers from the others is the intuition they have in themselves. Accordingly, if you have the desire to get success that you have been aiming for, the most important factor that you need to work on is to have faith in you. This will pave the way to develop faith in yourself and improve the chances of attaining the success you desire.

At any rate, why is it core to instill the courage in yourself and how will this type of a thinking aid you in capturing success that has been eluding you for a long period of time?

One common mistake that parents and teachers do is they fill in a lot of negativity in their wards without their knowledge. This kind of action reinforces the feeling that nothing can be achieved by the victim. So, everything they think of hits the obstacle of a "I cannot do this" response that is automatically generated within the person's mind.

This negativity in the mind is the number one cause why many people are not able to gain their goals even though they have many large aspirations and dreams in life to make it bounteous and become successful.

Since they have this instilled negativity they are not able to believe in themselves and set forth in their journey towards achievements. So, they end up lamenting that they are not able to reach their goals that they perceive and begin playing the blame game or seek excuses to hide behind it. This creates a setback to efforts exerted in realizing their dreams and dreams remain distant fantasies that they feel will never materialize.

So, in order to reach the goals and aspirations it is essential to shed the negativity that is harboring in the mind and look forward to reaching them by instilling positive thoughts and attitude. This is not possible unless you begin believing in yourself and see yourself as an achiever that is capable of reaching excellent heights that you are destined to reach no matter what.

Unless you really begin believing in yourself and work towards reaching your goals, you will just end up being a nobody and end up being the mediocre person that you have always known yourself to be depending on other shoulders to shoot your gun. So, take a decision today and think carefully whether you need a life of any other common person or would you want to excel beyond everyone and live the life of a successful person. The answer resides within you.

Elwood Goodhue is your friendly next door guy to turn to for motivation. Unlike most gurus he is leading a normal life just like most people. Thus he is able to relate to the feelings and experience of the majority. He strongly believes in helping people in need whenever possible and that everyone is born a winner and to achieve that, one must have self confidence.

More Courses on self-assurance can be found at the Universal Life Church Seminary.

This is an outstanding course on metaphysics:

Self Assurance

One thing that divides the achievers from the others is the intuition they have in themselves. Accordingly, if you have the desire to get success that you have been aiming for, the most important factor that you need to work on is to have faith in you. This will pave the way to develop faith in yourself and improve the chances of attaining the success you desire.

At any rate, why is it core to instill the courage in yourself and how will this type of a thinking aid you in capturing success that has been eluding you for a long period of time?

One common mistake that parents and teachers do is they fill in a lot of negativity in their wards without their knowledge. This kind of action reinforces the feeling that nothing can be achieved by the victim. So, everything they think of hits the obstacle of a "I cannot do this" response that is automatically generated within the person's mind.

This negativity in the mind is the number one cause why many people are not able to gain their goals even though they have many large aspirations and dreams in life to make it bounteous and become successful.

Since they have this instilled negativity they are not able to believe in themselves and set forth in their journey towards achievements. So, they end up lamenting that they are not able to reach their goals that they perceive and begin playing the blame game or seek excuses to hide behind it. This creates a setback to efforts exerted in realizing their dreams and dreams remain distant fantasies that they feel will never materialize.

So, in order to reach the goals and aspirations it is essential to shed the negativity that is harboring in the mind and look forward to reaching them by instilling positive thoughts and attitude. This is not possible unless you begin believing in yourself and see yourself as an achiever that is capable of reaching excellent heights that you are destined to reach no matter what.

Unless you really begin believing in yourself and work towards reaching your goals, you will just end up being a nobody and end up being the mediocre person that you have always known yourself to be depending on other shoulders to shoot your gun. So, take a decision today and think carefully whether you need a life of any other common person or would you want to excel beyond everyone and live the life of a successful person. The answer resides within you.

Elwood Goodhue is your friendly next door guy to turn to for motivation. Unlike most gurus he is leading a normal life just like most people. Thus he is able to relate to the feelings and experience of the majority. He strongly believes in helping people in need whenever possible and that everyone is born a winner and to achieve that, one must have self confidence.

More Courses on self-assurance can be found at the Universal Life Church Seminary.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Universal Life Church

The Birthday Boy
Well, so maybe I am not a boy but a man of sixty-eight now, haven’t you heard of a person’s second childhood.  O.K. so it may be my third or fourth so who is counting.
Yes it is my  birthday…time is moving so fast…or maybe I am moving so slow. Anyway I get up do this do that and Sandy is home and then we eat enjoy a little conversation, some TV and time with missy and trouble and then bedtime and that is none of your business or TMI as the kids say.
Oh, yes, anyone out there remember me asking for the one hundred fifteen lb. blond female to be in my life.   I have her, but if I ever have occasion to pray that again I must learn to be specific and ask for her to be human as I have one hundred fifteen blond female golden lab in my life now.
Yes we have to be specific in our prayers. But then after being specific we have to end the prayer with this or something better with good for all and harm to none.
It is amazing how many times I have heard of people asking for a specific amount of money to come to them and then they receive it by having a favorite friend or relative make their transition.
Of course when one leaves is not necessarily a tragedy for them only for those of us left here for I firmly believe no one leaves before their time.
When I was shot in 1987 I was given the choice to stay or come back for it was not my time.  I am no one special so this choice may be available for all to go or to stay.
Also we have to remember that when one is seriously ill and we pray for them to release them to their highest good and the good of all with harm to none.
It is so hard for us to lose someone close, yet we must look past ourselves to what is best for all of those around us and for the world. 
Yes, even the little ones that leave us have fulfilled their purpose for being here.  Many times it is for us to focus on those left here. 
WE carry the memories in our heart so that we can carry on here caring for those we love.
For one to dwell on the past whether it is one departed on a physical plane to live a separate life or a loved one has made a transition to a higher plane does no one any good.
Louis L’Amour told us many years ago in one of his books a line that literally saved my life for my bride of three weeks had left me to go back to her live in boyfriend of five years.  I had gotten in my `61 Cadillac hearse camper and drove into the desert outside of Quartsite, AR with only a stack of Louie A’mour books and little or no water when on the third day of reading I read “Love is to live for not to die for’
I got up thirsty with less than a quarter tank of gas and drove into Phoenix to a friend’s  house where I collapsed at their front door.
Yes, love is to live for not die for.  Although there are times that we are called to place our life on the line for those we love. 
The thing we are not to waste our lives needlessly for they do not belong to us as they belong to a higher power that resides within us.
As we learn to listen to this higher power we know when and where to give our life or to keep it.  It all goes back to while there is higher power guiding us it is up to us to make the choice that better serves all  with good and harm to none.
That is how we are to live our lives in MHO with harm to none and good to all as we live our life of purpose.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Online Ordination

You are right. I am a strong person, but always driven to excel and to do more, and never quite happy with yesterday's achievements. The definition to me of achievement is a past action, thus making way for a future action to be built upon it. I am well pleased with having found your website and obtaining ordination through you. Your site offers me the freedom and religious expression to serve the Lord as I know in my heart I should do. I am not in opposition to organized religion, and I still attend my church of 25 years where I received a degree in Bible and Doctrine in 1993. I have taken courses on religions of the world for 35 years at least of all kinds, so I have a great tolerance for all faiths and the freedom of people to worship as they choose. That is not very popular in my church so I don't advertise that personal belief. But it is the first thing God gave man, after He gave him breath,-free will. God doesn't want robots who serve Him without doing so because they want to.
I find that ordination with ULC Seminary is my option to serve God and still allow me to have revolutionary beliefs such as religious tolerance and understanding toward others, yet still maintain my own religious integrity within my ministry. I never saw a future of ordination within my home church. I wasn't dogmatic enough. I am dogmatic on the principles pertaining to salvation, but on issues where the the church is dogmatic in ways that drive away the lost on issues that shouldn't concern the lost, as they are church issues internally and have nothing to do with salvation messages, I feel organized religion is out of order at times. They, like the government, tend to try to control issues that aren't their business to control. And in doing so, they neglect the matters that ARE their business.
I am planning to send off for my ordination credentials, the Reverend title, and Dr of Divinity DD certs and cards this week. I don't know if I'll go ahead and re-ordain or attach my email of ordination from sept 29th or what will be needed.. The reason I feel "arrogant" enough to apply for Doctor of Divinity is that I have studied the religions of the world professionally since I was in first grade in parochial school and have searched for religious answers on a personal quest all my life. I found my own peace at a young age but give every one the freedom to seek their own answers as I sought mine. I will share my own story with those who ask. I believe firmly in the salvation message of Christ and I will not accept any other as truth, but I do not force myself on others. If I want to evangelize such to Christ, I do so through love and example and respect built on a relationship with them. As a result, this is my reason for ordination. I now have a number of un-churched young people and their parents who come to me for counseling, not just advice, but spiritual leading, and they don't receive any spiritual food at all except what they receive from me. Therefore your site affords me all I need to support my little "congregation" as it grows and develops. I ran across you by accident through the ULC Monastery, but I feel that yours is the site that I have been called to and I have renounced ties to the Monastery. I could tell the real thing when I saw the love and full support you supply your ordained ministers. You don't just pronounce them ordained and sell them ordination papers for profit and bid them a good day. You offer full support for every phase of their ministry to make them successful at establishing and supporting their own churches and ministries. You disciple your ordained ministers, and that is the mark of a true calling of God. No messenger called by God will create a new creature and leave that baby alone to die in the wilderness. You don't leave your baby ministers alone and unsupported. You provide them with every training tool they need to grow and mature till they can make their own congregation that births new disciples.

I am grateful to you, Miss Amy. I am glad to have found you.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why I became Ordained

I became ordained because there was something inside of me that said I should help other people realize their spiritualism without the confines of being associated with an organized religion.

Tolerance for all beliefs is the key to true peace and spiritualism may come in many forms. Doing that which is right is an excellent motto to live by for anyone and I do my best to spread this message. Whether you believe in God or gods or an order in the universe or whatever it might be that helps you to center yourself in life.

All should have an open mind and respect that others might not feel the same way as you do, but that there is nothing wrong with what is spiritually important to you and how you feel about it and express it. Live and let live.

Rev. Dr. Rick

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why I became ordained

Well I can say this. I became ordained through ULC because:

1. It is a lot easier getting credentials from ULC and you do not have to build a church immediately.

2. I do most of my preaching in Nightclubs. Flogger in one hand Bible in the other preaching The Word of God in BDSM Nightclubs. How I got the nickname the Evil Wicked Cardinal of Evil. :devil:

3. I have vast knowledge of The Bible and know where most of the relics are which are described in the Bible.

4. I love a good debate on religion. I never lost a debate yet. For it is the individual on how they interpret The Bible.

5. I go to religious seminars where my vast knowledge improves religion. And, I talk on my own experiences.

6. ULC is the best place to start as an ordained minister. But, when you preach never implement ULC in any way shape or form. I never tell anyone about my credentials with ULC. I let my knowledge of The Bible do the talking.

7. People ask me where I became a Minister. I say four words. "It was my calling." Why say where you became a Minister. You build a church and call it ULC for instance it is not connected with ULC HQ. It is your church and do not break the law or implement ULC HQ in any way shape or form.

8. All ULC HQ is vouch that we are ordained ministers. Other than that you are on your own. So be smart and use The Bible. It is a powerful weapon.

9. Do not think you can evade IRS just because your a Minister. Because Churches and Ministers do get taxed. But, I do this volunteer and I accept no donations. It is Volunteer Work for me.

So; one thing always preach The Word of God, that is why we became ministers. And, teach others our religion.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Online Ordination from Pastor Todd

Universal Life Church
I am currently looking for work in both the Christian world and the secular world. I am hoping and praying that God will lead me to where He wants me to be.

I have felt a calling to minister since I was a child but for some reason things always were in the way or seemed more important at the time. I was raised in the United Methodist church and was away from church until a few years ago when I met my wife and started going to church with her. She was attending a non-denominational church and that is where I learned the most about God and His Word.  I once again started feeling the Calling again and I started looking into man's procedure for ordination.  I believe that God is the only one that can truly ordain but man's laws need to be respected as long as they are not in conflict with God's laws.

I am currently taking a Christian Seminary course through ULC and I am looking into other courses as well. I want to learn all that God has to offer and receive it. 

Pastor Todd

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Online Ordination

Believe it or not...... my day starts at 630 am, Take my boyfriend to work and the little one to school then I come back home and take my catchupfromsleeplessnight nap, This morning during that nap I had a vision of me performing my cousin's wedding ceremony, I used to play an online MMORPG and was a guide in that game and as a guide I would perform various wedding ceremonies.

I had the dream and it was so vivid and it even went further then the wedding ceremony, it went into the hospital here where my other cousin is recovering from a massive brain injury and I have been going to the hospital every other day to visit with him. He doesn't know who I am or anything but knows I am there and will play ball with me and talk with me and count... My god did you all know when you get a brain injury sometimes all you do is count? Anyways... back to my story.. In this dream I was helping small children and other people suffering from various elements... The dream seem to last months, I woke up physically exhausted and yet revived.... I did a google search on Ordain and landed here....

I know I am fresh meat to the lambs but this dream really kicked my midlife crisis into high gear.
I am in between jobs right now and while I was posting my resume to various places it dawned on me to get information and for whatever reason I did and here I am..... where I am going..... No clue. I am sure it will be an enlightening road of many events though!! 


Saturday, February 05, 2011

ULC Ordination of Rev. Kate

I was raised in a liberal protestant household. My mother grew up in the Pentecostal Holiness church and often spoke of the rampant hypocrisy that she saw there. Mom goes to church for the music...doctrine means nothing to her. "Be a good person" is the only catechism she needs.

My father was raised in the same church in which I was baptized. He has done his share of praying and contemplation and is at peace with his relationship with God.. Occasionally he and I will have wonderful, sharing conversations on the subject, but he is not the sort to share his beliefs in public.

I was an enthusiastic student in Sunday school and bible study. I was even "born again" at church camp. That is, until I was scolded for suggesting that the Apostle Paul might have been speaking from within his cultural paradigm when he discussed the role of women in the church. I knew then that I would have to continue on my own path.

I became, and continue to be, a student of religion and religious history. Long ago, I realized that I was more familiar with the history of western religious traditions and of the Bible than most of the "Preachers" I encountered. I developed an urgent need to free people from the ignorance in which many organized religions want to trap them.

I have always been the "Dear Abby" in my circle of friends. I guess that, somehow, I was just naturally empathetic.

I want to teach....I want to serve.. I want to comfort.

I heard about internet ordination, but the first place I found was the Church of Spiritual Humanism. I read their forums, I thought it was right for me, and I became ordained in that church. It was not for several years that I stumbled into a forum where I was berated and belittled and generally treated ill...all because I confessed a belief in the Divine. It turns out they are Orthodox Atheists and have NO tolerance for hopeful agnostics or other 'superstitious' folk. This was stated, very obtusely, in their materials, but I just didn't get it before then. I have since resigned my ordination with them.

I continued my search and, at the urging of a Wiccan friend, I came to ULC. I now feel that I have found my "church home" where I can learn and grow and share.

I have performed several weddings (gay & straight) and one baptism.

Yup...that covers it.

Rev. Kate

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Why I became ordained with ULC by Rev. Kurt

Well, this is the 8th year anniversary in ULC for me. I came here because of the different paths that were celebrated here.  I became ordained here because I knew ministry is one of my life missions.  I am also a board certified holistic health practitioner, certified expressive art therapist, am earning a ph.d in holistic ministries from American Institute of holistic theology, and I earned a doctor of divinity from universal light church.

I completed the soul clinic class offered by ULC -- very good. I am a certified pastoral counselor, and board certified chaplain through the international pastoral counselors association.  My ministry is growing, as am I.  I held a beautiful service in my home where 12 of my closest friends showed up"the journey of our nativity" a metaphysical story of the nativity.  I participate in many beliefs. I volunteer w/young gay youth. 

I live w/ fibromyalgia daily and am writing for the fibromyalgia frontiers a quarterly news journal. I am a known art therapist and writer, look under Kurt Fondriest art therapist. so all this brought me here.  All this came from me being here. The journey is still going....

Rev. Kurt

Sunday, January 30, 2011

ULC Online Ordination of Rev. Michelle

My reason for becoming Ordained was first to get a better relationship with God by doing something to help.Having faith no matter what happens is sometimes hard and things happen that can pull you away from God.That did happen to me.I realized that God is not the reason some things happen,a lot of it is our wrong doing or thinking.I feel much better about doing this and plan on moving further in this.

I was called into the ministry. I was a youth leader in a church in this town for five years, after growing up in church and exploring what I believe on my own, and finding my own self, I decided I don't like what the word christian means anymore, I left the church and called myself a Christ follower. Now me being gay and leaving the church for that and many other reasons, I still wanted to keep my calling, and my dad and my sister are both ordained through the ULC and I thought well lets make it a family thing, and so I did, my wife and I are both ordained we are new, ordained 10 31 05.... and now we want to do marriages and counseling soon. and are fortunate that we have a friend that owns a shop that will get our names out there when we are ready 

Rev Michelle 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why I became ordained by Rev. Aurora

I was originally ordained in mid-1970's. I felt it validated me and it also allowed me to openly work with drug addicts and alcoholics. I was born the 8th Great Granddaughter of Sara Pease, Salem Village, 1692 and have been different all my life. 

In the mid 70's I started working with women, who had lost their children to CPS and had problems with substance abuse. I didn't have a degree in social work or law so the legal system didn't accept me as have any expertise. To assist the women I was attempting to help I was ordained and that make me their spiritual adviser/minister. Then the state got involved in substance abuse treatment and my ordination was not acceptable in working in the recovery field for several years.

In addition to having been born into a witch family, I have studied Wicca, Stergia, and Native American Spiritualism. I am an adviser to many women now who have substance abuse problems and now the ordination is considered valid again, although not appreciated by Social Workers or other people who work within the "recovery" field or in CPS.

Lady Aurora

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Online Ordination of Sister Ligeia

To answer such a question I would have to give you a brief history. So, here it is. I was raised in a eclectic home of the Christian mentality which means my parents ran the gamut of possibilities. We attended Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witness, Church of Christ, Baptist, Pentacostal, and non denominational. Though prior to that particular mentality, I was aware of the fact that my mother caste astrological charts and my step father referred to her as a witch, and that I had what is often termed ESP from my age group but what I call intuitive now.

Well, the stepfather who ventured into becoming an ordained minister was in fact the monster in the closet and my brother and I suffered greatly for his perversions. At 18, though deeply spiritual, and obviously wounded, I walked away from the Christian path, and into marriage with a non practicing Catholic. My brother, walked behind the bars of the prison system the same year at 15. We both sought to escape.

Over the years I found that God, or the equivalent, was consistent in all spiritual paths. One always seeks to find communion with the higher purpose, some of us call it God, others Goddess, others think that the answers lie in breaking down all measure of distraction.

I found that what I wanted, was a relationship with God...without barriers, without interpretations. I wanted to be able to KNOW this. So, in my search, I have learned much and I found myself progressivly being asked to share this information. Over time, throughout the many conversations on the subject, what I gave as assistance to serve the higher path of each person began to correlate to the teachings of other ministers and spiritualists. I was surprised by this, and thought is odd. I questioned if I was simply parroting the streams of thought I had read. After careful consideration and much soul searching I realized that that was not the case. I always followed the sense of God I found prevailed in those conversations and shared what the message was from the higher ideals. And if it happened to be similar to the lesson their minister gave them, then I reminded them that the Spirit of God moves as necessary, and sometimes we need the message in varied forms before we take heed to it.

Then my mother came to visit and over about a years time in the course of many conversations, again, I shared that had I been Christian, I would have been a minister...but I could not in good conscience perpetuate one path to the exclusion of others. She returned home to find someone close to her had become a ULC minister and there we began.

Ideally I would like to offer guidance to those in need, and I do find myself wondering if perhaps visiting prisoners would not in fact be to the benefit of those feeling not quite aligned with ONE thought yet still in need of spiritual guidance and understanding. As yet I have no married anyone, and having been unemployed for the last year I have not had the financial stability to make time to search out and find the best way to visit prisoners, nor have I had the opportunity to seek out the opportunities to visit those in need at hospitals (as a minister).

Sister Ligeia

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why I became ordained with ULC - Rev. Mike

At first, I explored the idea through an internet link that advertised the option, as I was curious. I discovered that the idea of being ordained via the internet was both real and legal, so I broached the subject with the she-devil that was my then-wife. She, a faux-Catholic of rather narrow perspective, considered ULC evil, satanic, subversive, and a waste of time, just as she had considered the venerable institution of Freemasonry in which I had previously been initiated. The wretched woman. 

But anyway, her opposition fueled my curiosity and so I soon took the plunge....I forked over the bucks, bought my ordination and two Doctorates, and then summarily boxed away the mailed goodies that soon followed. Now, I just carry the nifty black card in my wallet that denotes my piety as more a conversation piece than anything else... although I am willing and prepared to conduct any service I am fortunate enough to be called upon to perform.

I do not cite the purchased ULC Doctorates (Divinity and Metaphysics) on my business card, as they do not seem as worthy as those accomplishments I achieved through hard work and time. My fiance, who has two Masters and is soon to get her PhD, and I play with all our various letters and degrees just for fun. I am making her new biz card as a surprise. Here is my alphabet soup, sans Doctorates: Reverend MEK, LCDR, USN(RET), MBA, 32 Degree Mason, APDT, ABC Certified. I am not even sure how I would incorporate the ULC Doctorates into all that....I fear, despite their dubious authentication, they would trump my harder-earned achievements, and I do not want to do that.


Monday, January 10, 2011

ULC Online Ordination - true confession?

Why I Became a Universal Life Church Minister

No, this is not "true confession," or any weepy story of redemption. Fed up with the direction that The (formerly Protestant) Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. was taking, I concluded that the fault lay in its professionals -- the priests and bishops. If seminary teaching and practice led to the garbage these people were spouting, then their right to continue should be examined by someone in authority, and heads should roll.

Well, it's not going to happen. They are entrenched and subject to no effective discipline. The only "sin" they can be held guilty of is failing to parrot the agitprop proclaimed by their superiors. Hence, in my opinion, their "credentials" are spurious.  Any laymen with diligent study and purity of heart could do a better job of serving Episcopal congregations.

So as a lark -- and as a protest -- I forked over $19.10 to the Universal Life Church for a certificate of ordination and a laminated identification card. This, together with a letter stating that I was "in good standing" as a minister of the Universal Life Church in Brewster, Massachusetts, entitled me to recognition by the Commonwealth as qualified to perform marriages.

But then a strange thing happened. Something came over me that I cannot explain. I starting acting like a clergyman. Sort of like a friendly Baptist preacher. I took a far greater interest in theology, the creed, the sacraments -- and in people. I thought consciously about how to reach others so that they could lead more satisfying lives. I worried more about those in my circle with problems. I tried to help solve trouble relationships.
Can it be that God is using this tired old doofus for His purposes?
I wonder. What do you think?

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Universal Life Church - Heinzist

The Reason I was ordained.. Is because I felt my calling as a Heinzist Minister, and the ULC seemed to be one of the few churches that were open enough for me to legally practice my Heinzist Tradition.

This decision did not come overnight.

At the age of 14 is when the Heinzist path was started by 1998, it was nearly complete in the beliefs section. People I went to high school with looked up to me as a leader as a minister.

I was not only known as a spiritual person. But as the Leader of the Peace Keeping Rail Gang, who earned high respect for the locals, because we ran hate groups, and caused three violent gangs to truce peacefully between us, in the town of Milton, Wisconsin.

I was known to put my life as risk, and I have went head to head in some extremely dangerous situations. I could list a bunch of very interesting War stories.. which is even more interesting how a non-violent group takes on a violent group in making them think, can make one drop down all weapons.

One such group we ran out was the KKK. Who was desperately trying to recruit some of our friends and nearly had 3-4 within them, Which really made our work cut out to expose to our friend who these people really were, as she thought they were the coolest people to ever set foot on the earth.

Coming from an interracial foster home I have went against them, and other powerful organizations. I helped expose one minister who was sexually abusing, and mentally abusing his congregation and encouraging us .. his youth congregation to STEAL books from their library to steal anything non - christian to burn.

From what I understand New Life Assembly of God church on North wright road in Janesville, Wisconsins STILL practices this. My sister was a member of them last year an she burned some of my books. And they treated her all well, until she told them I was her sister, and was stupid enough to show my email I wrote to her about how I did not want anything to do with her or that terrorist church.

They started to treat her and her bf rotten, and they eventually left the church.

Anyhow the real reason I had became ordained is the same reason I do anything that involves a major choice.. To Make a positive difference.

All though highschool I had teachers whispering to me. You should become ordained through the Universal Life Church... I had students begging me to as well... And for years my foster sisters and I used to do our own ceremonies in the woods... and they too said I should...

It was after a chain reaction of visions and dreams, And the Spirits adding more towards my Heinzism Tradition .  Is when I realised... This is no longer just a belief system anymore.. It has now formed into a simple eclectic tradition. And the Spirits urged me.

Go Public, Go Private, Live this, Teach This, Minister This!.

After 3 years of the Spirits I work with doing this. I finally had done so, and I have been into some amazing experiences. I have gifted psychic/healing abilities. Some of the locals call me a Shaman. I use the term Spirit Worker.... They use that term for the weather working abilities I been known for since 1989 when I was 9 years old.

I have been hit by lightning once .. after I went upstairs to prevent anyone from getting hit by making sure everyone was in bed. "Spirit Said" is that story... I have it posted all through the internet and you can find a link to it from my bio page.

Just recently I worked with a paraylised kitten and it made a full recovery.. this has not happened once but 3 times since 1997. So I know I am working with strong Spirits, Strong energy.

And the reason I became ordained is so I could do Spirits work, teach what spirits have taught me, and help make the world a better place.

I am Universal Life Church Minister.. of the Heinzist Tradition.

I am not a perfect person, and if you have seen me in any yahoogroups or chats you will know that I do not hide that.

Over there most of you if you go there know me as "DNatureofDTrain_CaseyJones" on other places "CaseyJTrain" or Just DNatureofDTrain. .. CaseyJonesTrain.

People here will probably recognize me from many chats or networks as I state that.

Take Care and Peace and Blessing,
Rev. Dana C. L.